Thursday, 3 September 2015

All this noise in the quiet

Disclaimer: Not a poem, just an attempt to simply phrase thoughts without excessive descriptions.

Herds are
for gazelles and buffaloes
I can't care
to conform, fit in, blend
I rage against
fixed patterns and protocols
hierarchy, condescension and superciliousness
a thin veneer covering ignorance and conflated selfs
go fuck yourselves please

I would rather have my own gig
my peace of mind, time alone with my thoughts
think through why we do what we do
and why we can't or may not do something
that is how I learn and prefer it

Rather than hand-me-downs from hearsay
legends and urban myths
the joy is in self-discovery
not in forcing a laugh on dumb attempts at humour
because frankly, herds bore me,
someone said once that a herd was only the average of its members
I believe him now,

Break away and fly free
let me hear your thoughts
yours, not hashed from the blogs or whatever.
Uniform opinions bore me, tell me something new
and I will tell you something I learned yesterday
and maybe we can do this all day

This world is more colourful
when you have your thoughts
and I have mine.
And we talk to each other,
just to think each others thoughts
and we may beg to differ, but with love.

For a lifetime would not be enough
to read everything that was ever written
so maybe, we can share what we've read
teach what we've learned,
tell what we've seen and heard
and have a hundred lifetimes instead of just one.

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